22 Benefits of Breastfeeding

Feeling empowered on the new journey of parenthood is so appreciated whether you know it or not and breastfeeding is one multi-rich-in-benefits gift for your baby and yourself. Have you been wanting to learn more about breastfeeding? There are so many benefits to nature’s nutrition for your baby.  LIQUID GOLD. Our bodies are so amazing to be able to create milk, amongst other things, to go with the baby you bring into this world. So what’s the hype?


There are SO many reasons to choose breastfeeding. Breast IS best!


1. You know exactly what your baby is eating and in much more control of it.

What better way to boost and give encouragement to yourself than by choosing the best foods for your health and your baby. It’s not just about you any more and what better time to take better care of your health than during a time when it will directly benefit someone else. Compared to a manmade formula (meaning formulated in a lab by artificial means), this mom-made milk carries everything the baby needs from nutrients to mom’s antibodies already built up from her life time.


2. It’s definitely more cost-efficient.

Forget about diapers…have you seen the cost of formula?  The standard, most basic dry formula cans cost about $1.50 per ounce (with 13 ounces per can = $19.50/can) which can provide generally 26 ounces of milk. In the early days, baby’s may drink 1-2 ounces per feeding. If you’re exclusively formula feeding every 2-3 hours, that makes around 8-12 feedings per day. This means that you will potentially need 3-4 cans of milk in the first week (or $58.50-78 PER WEEK), with a growing need as your baby’s belly expands.  This can get pretty pricey, pretty quickly.  Not to mention, your child may have allergens, costing you more out of pocket for other forms of milk.


3. Baby gets antibodies from mama.

I’m sure by this time, you’ve gotten a few preventative shots or treatments in your life which alters your natural DNA and is passed to the child.  This is great for you assuring more protection around your baby while interacting with others.  (And if you’re like me, this gives baby more protection if you choose to delay/refuse vaccines)


4. Faster postpartum healing.

By the oxytocin released during breastfeeding, reducing the blood loss after delivery.  Oxytocin is the happy hormone. (It’s also what naturally starts labor)


5. Builds mom and baby bonding.

Feeding in general is a huge opportunity to bond, no matter what age they (or you) are.  But of course, over time, the baby gains more levels to the bonding. Baby B would play while taking advantage of the boob as a pacifier, but there were many moments I’ll always remember that brought us closer.


6. Helps with shedding weight postpartum.

While breastfeeding in the early days, especially those immediately following birth, the uterus contracts to return to its previous size.  Without the suckling of the nipple, uterine contractions may be stalled.

I’ve also learned that you may not return to pre-baby weight until after breastfeeding is complete. That’s because, the body (buttocks specifically!) will store fats to be used to produce the milk in the breast.  It’s great to be patient with our bodies doing what they naturally do, but also know that it’s beautiful to be able to do these things. You creates so much and that deserves all the honor!


7. No getting up out your comfortable bed to walk to the kitchen, warm some water, mix formula, wait for it to heat while your baby is crying for food, waking up half the house. 

 Very simple. More sleep means more love for everyone.  Let’s not add unnecessary stress to our lives!

8. Breastmilk preserves much longer than formula.

POV: You get up in the middle of the night to feed the baby. You’re preparing your baby a bottle of formula. You make a 6 ounce bottle and baby only eats 3 ounces. After an hour, the remaining must be thrown out as bottles and formula capture the bacteria from the baby and grows quickly.  (Talk about money down the drain) Now, if it were breastmilk, you could get away with falling asleep with the bottle nearby, covered up and use the milk in 2 hours when baby wakes up hungry again.

Breastmilk can be frozen and preserved, being reused for so many other purposes. Longer use.


9. Less allergens in mama’s breastmilk plus the natural filtration system = less reflux and projectile vomiting.

This is something I’ve observed from other mom’s that used formula.  Now when my first little used formula, she did give off more reflux from that milk, but it was only 5 days in between breastfeeding, so it didn’t bother her digestion so much.  During our 4 month WIC class, we were the only breastfeeding family (out of about 9 other women).  They all gave many stories about the vomiting after meals, throughout the night.  All I could think is that the body is trying to communicate that something wasn’t right…


10. With all that vomiting comes a lot of destroyed fabrics.

I don’t know why, but formula stains far worse than breastmilk.  Like a dark yellow color. Weird. Save some more money by not having to throw away a pack of t-shirts each week.


11. Formula is not as thick and creamy as breastmilk and therefore, not as filling for the baby.

It’s strange because it makes them gain weight faster and hungrier, yet seemingly unfulfilled. 


12. You have an unlimited supply.

Your body will produce milk if you want it to.  If you feed and hydrate yourself adequately with nutrient dense foods and pump/feed regularly, you can control how much it produces. After about a month, milk production finds its balance. (No one said it would be easy)

Did you know that you could also relactate even if you haven’t recently had a baby? In cultures around the world, it is very normal for the grandmothers to relactate to be able to help assist in feedings. The body is so amazing.


13. Breastmilk is not going to predispose baby to childhood obesity.

Period. (Protects in many ways)


14. Reduced risk of those cancers that target our womanhood.

That’s right. Breastfeeding reduces your likelihood of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.  And you bet that if it protects mom, it protects baby, too! Decrease their risk of childhood cancers.


15. Stronger bones for baby and mom!

During pregnancy and lactations, a woman’s body absorbs calcium more efficiently - protecting both mom and baby’s bodies.


16. Breast milk reduces the risk of SIDS.

Babies who are breastfed or are fed expressed breastmilk are at lower risk for SIDS compared with babies who were never fed breastmilk. Breast milk is much more effective when breastfeeding is exclusive (compared to supplementing with formula.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) has recently be learned to be linked to __.


17. Break from menstruation!

Now this one is tricky and will vary by person, but there are various factors that can influence when the menses returns and regulates.  Increase in prolactin during breastfeeding puts the production of estrogen and progesterone at a pause. Overall, it is more likely to return later during breastfeeding than not.


18. Can be effective birth control for the first few months!

There’s always so much talk about not having a period and also not getting pregnant again while breastfeeding.  To make this happen, baby must feed/pump at a minimum of every 4 hours, no pacifiers or bottles of formula (as this generally curves the patterned feeding necessary). Lactation amenorrhea method.


19. Breastmilk is wayyy sweeter than formula.

I “had” to give Baby B formula supplements while I had a breast infection, due to heavy, rapid milk flow and plugged ducts (ouch!).  Of course, I don’t give her anything without tasting it. Yuck to the formula! It was bitter, and she knew it too.  She had that sweet liquid gold and milk that the bottle and formula was not as appetizing.  Imagine trying that bitter drink, after having the goodness that is liquid gold.  So yeah, that didn’t last long.  My children deserve the best.


20. Less stress and less likelihood of developing Postpartum Depression.

Weathering the storms of motherhood and as a new parent can be really challenging! It’s so special that breastmilk contains a natural antidepressant.  Oxytocin is so beneficial and I personally believe that breastfeeding helped my own mental health so much.


21. Healthier Mouth Health.

Something about breastmilk protects your baby’s mouth and provide some amazing benefits. Who knew that exclusively breastfed babies are less likely to have teeth alignment issues? It also reduces the risk for baby bottle tooth decay by not allowing the baby to rest with a bottle in their mouth.  As mentioned, breastmilk is still sweet and contains sugar, so you still need to care for baby’s teeth early on.  On the positive, you don’t have to ween baby just because they get some teeth.  They will adjust as their teeth grow.


22. Empowerment!

I’m telling you, if you can just get through it, you WILL see the benefits for yourself and feel stronger overall. It’s a beautiful thing to actually create and birth a baby into the world.  It’s even more amazing to watch your body, mind, and soul transform as you blossom into your motherhood and milk leaks from your breast. It’s uncomfortable sometimes, but the ability is amazing. You literally GIVE and FEED LIFE! That’s something so powerful to experience and you deserve it!



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